ESPA: Quality Modernisation

ESPA Quality Modernisation program that begins on June 27th and it is expected to support small and medium - sized enterprises in product production and high-quality services and improve their exporting capability.
Beginning: 27 June 2018
Investment plan:
The total investment should be between 50.000 € and 400.000€
50% of the eligible expenses
Medium Sized businesses operating in the following areas:
- Tourism
- Energy
- Agri-food
- Environment
- Supply chain
- Information and Communication Technologies
- Health and Medicines
- Creative and Cultural industries
- Construction – Materials
Eligible Costs:
- Machinery and equipment up to 100% of the investment plan
- Certification - quality management systems, design, standardization and certification of products up to 100% of the investment plan
- Means of transport
- Drafting and monitoring of the investment plan
- Wages and Salaries of new (related) employees
- Investment plan implementation
- The integration period cannot be more than 24 months after the accession date.
To see all the available subsidized programs click here.
Contact us for further details:
Τel. 2810 280985 Fax: 2810 224343