Grant for Businesses Providing Accounting and Tax Services

The new call from EPANEK "Grant for Businesses Providing Accounting and Tax Services" concerns the support of Self-employed Accountants, as well as Legal Entities providing accounting and tax services, in order to adjust their operation by upgrading / acquiring the necessary digital infrastructure, to continue support the business community, the public administration, but also the citizens, to respond to the new conditions created by the pandemic (COVID 19).
Applications are subsidized with a grant from 1500 euros to 2,000 euros, depending on the revenue of 2020, for digital modernization costs.
The budget of the Action is 30,000,000 euros.
The Action is co-financed by the European Social Fund (ECB) of the European Union and from national resources.
Beneficiaries of the Action are Small and Medium Enterprises, which have been registered in the relevant Registers kept by the Economic Chamber of Greece, as follows:
- Self-employed accountants - tax holders of professional identity of accountant - tax technician by classes and
- Legal Entities providing accounting and tax services.
Beneficiaries who started in 2021 can apply and receive an upper grant of 1,500 euros.
Important Dates
Date of Start of Electronic Submission: Wednesday 9/3/2022 and time 12:00.
Completion Date of Electronic Submission: Friday 13/5/22 at 15:00.
Method of evaluation
The application for funding is submitted electronically to the State Grants Information System with the indication: "Grant for companies providing accounting and tax services".
Funding applications will be evaluated in order of priority, according to the date of electronic submission to the State Grants Information System.
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