Recovery & Resilience Fund: Green Agrotourism

The Ministry of Rural Development and Food announced an invitation to submit initiatives in the project "Green agritourism" of the action: "Economic transformation of the agricultural sector" of the Recovery & Resilience Fund. The project concerns investment projects in the tourism sector, which connect the primary and secondary sectors with the tertiary, creating a new tourism product.
The goal of the Subproject is:
- To improve the position of farmers in the value chain.
- To strengthen the competitiveness and the recognizability of the products in the markets through their placement in points of attraction of visitors - tourists and the development of experiential agritourism actions.
- The integration of innovation processes and the use of new technologies but also environmentally friendly processes, which reduce climate change.
- Sustainable local development and more efficient management of natural resources.
Beneficiaries are all legal entities, SMEs (and legal entities under establishment), or large companies.
Beneficiaries who operate in the form of a civil law company, with the exception of Social Cooperative Enterprises and consortia, are not be eligible.
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