DYPA's new JOBmatch application for the catering and tourism industries is now in open

DYPA's new JOBmatch application for the catering and tourism industries is now in open

The new JOBmatch platform of the Public Employment Service (DYPA) has been activated for the catering and tourism industries.

The purpose of the platform is the direct connection of tourism and catering businesses, with those looking for work in respective specialties, for temporary as well as permanent work.

Now, after downloading the JOBmatch application from the App Store or Play Store and completing his/her profile, the prospective employee can configure his/her options using filters, such as: what occupations he/she wants and can do, at what time, in which area in what salary range.

At the same time, employers can create their professional profile and INSTANTLY match the employee to the job they have opened, based on their business area, salary range and rating.

All this with simple steps for an immediate interview.

Registration instructions for Businesses click here. For employees, an app is downloaded on Android or iOS.

More information can be found on the DYPA JOBmatch website: https://jobmatch.dypa.gov.gr/